Zohal Tareen

Zohal Tareen

Zohal is currently studying for her MBA while interning with Tiba. She has extensive experience in property management and served as a Hosting Team Member for the Young Professionals for Sustainable Development Goals Seminar Series. Zohal is passionate about...
Arianna Schmulbach

Arianna Schmulbach

Arianna studies Molecular and Cellular Biology at UC Berkeley. Much of her time is focused on destigmatizing mental health struggles amongst her peers, and she emphasizes the importance of increasing access to mental health resources in the Berkeley community. She is...
Aminata Jallow

Aminata Jallow

Born and raised in The Gambia, West Africa, Aminata graduated in Public Health and Global Poverty from the University of Maryland, College Park. Aminata is a vocal advocate for girls’ education and is passionate about contributing to the advancement of disadvantaged...

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