Our People

Board of Directors
Bill Plautz, MD, MPH
Rhiana Menen, MD
Vice President
Arne Wagner, JD, PhD
Amanda Schoenberg, MD
Bridget Wylie, RN
Gail Wagner, MD
Jill McCarthy
Michael Mellenthin, MD
Paul Oseso
Ram Ramachandra, MD
Diane Dodge
Executive Director
Mara Matosic
Donor Experience Specialist
Wayne Metho
Outreach and Communications Intern

Tiba’s board of directors supports all infrastructure, fundraising, and program management costs. 100% of donor funds go to grants to our sister organizations on the ground in Kenya.

Our Partners

We are so grateful for our community partners and friends who continue to invest in the future of community-centered healthcare in rural Kenya.

Tiba and Matibabu Foundation partners include:

Africa Cancer Foundation
African Diaspora Network
Bay Area Global Health Alliance
Days for Girls
Government of Kenya
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Construction for Change
G.R.A.C.E. Africa
Harvard Business School Community Partners
International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Program (ICAP) at Columbia University
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Kaiser Global Health Physicians Volunteer Program
Kaiser Permanente Northern California
Kaiser Permanente Southern California

Kaiser Retired Physicians Group
Mataraca Music Festival
National Organization of Peer Educators
Opportunity Collaborative
Red Aspen
Rotary International
San Francisco State University
Segal Family Foundation
Square, Inc.
The 30/30 Project
UCSF Global Health Programs
University of California, San Francisco
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 

Engines for Change
Days for Girls

A special thank you to Harvard Business School Community Partners:

Vision Team: Surabhi Bhandari, Molly Doctors Rajashekhar, Daria Istrate, Stephanie Lui,
Sandeep Pannu, Michon Pinnix, JC Velten.

COMS Team: Raymond Magpantay, Alexandra Morehouse, Peter Scocimara, Aaron Reitkopf, Kate Grey.

Boda Girls Team: Aaron Reitopf, Alexandra Morehouse, Kate Grey, Kelsey Roberts, Leigh Marriner, Raymond Magpantay.

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