Boda Girls Pitch Competition

The Boda Girls program is truly remarkable, empowering women and transforming lives in profound ways. Over the span of their two-year journey, these inspiring women earn 15 certificates, and their acquired knowledge is not just a personal gain; they are required to share their learning with girls and widows in the community.

In the first year of the program, Boda Girls undergo comprehensive training, primarily focusing on health-related topics but also encompassing invaluable lessons in entrepreneurship. Boda Girls Coordinators, supported by our partners at Street Business School, deliver a six-week curriculum, immersing Boda Girls in the world of business development through both theoretical knowledge and hands-on projects. This knowledge is applied as they grow their boda businesses, leading to a significant increase in their daily earnings, from a mere $1USD to a much more substantial $5-10 USD, enabling them to secure their children’s education and access healthy food and healthcare.

In the second year, Boda Girls pay it forward by becoming business development coaches for groups of 8th-grade girls or widows. They impart the same entrepreneurial wisdom they’ve acquired and assist these groups in preparing for the Boda Girls Women’s Business Pitch Contest. This contest features teams presenting their business and marketing plans, striving to convince the audience of Boda Girls that their projects hold the most promise. Notably, these ventures encompass diverse areas, from innovative vegetable marketing to poultry and livestock. Each participating team receives a prize ranging from $100 to $300, along with ongoing mentoring from a Boda Girl. The ultimate impact of these projects will be showcased in January, highlighting the tangible benefits they bring to the community.

What’s truly inspiring is that through this program, the 10 second-year Boda Girls have extended their support to an additional 48 widows and girls, equipping them with vital entrepreneurial skills. This ripple effect of empowerment not only enhances the well-being of women but also has a far-reaching impact on the overall health, education, and livelihood of their families and the broader community.

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