Dr. Ahmed’s Winter Camp 2023
For over a decade Dr. Ram Ramachandra & Dr. Ahmed Alkoraishi have led a surgical camp to provide support for Matibabu patients. For several years Dr. Michael Mellenthin added his anesthetist skills to complement the team.
This year Dr. Alkoraishi and Dr. Michael Mellenthin along with returning plastic surgeon Linda Waters and long-time volunteers Tennille Parsons and Eva Vocal offered the camp without Ram’s presence. In one week they provided over 40 surgeries to the community and offered CME and coaching to the hospital staff and lectures for the perioperative students at the nursing school. This team also leads the design and planning for the new Operating Theater and will be in Kenya for the Open House in January 2024.
A big thank you each one of you- Dr. Ahmed Alkoraishi, Dr. Michael Mellenthin, Tennille Parsons and Eva Vocal! Tiba and Matibabu are blessed to have you!