The Textbook Project

Matibabu College of Health Sciences spearheads the Nursing Promise Initiative, dedicated to establishing a clear educational pathway for local girls. Their unwavering commitment to enhancing curriculum, incorporating technology, refining skill practice through skills labs and practicums, providing mentorship, and ensuring an exceptional student experience has propelled the Mary Ann van Dam School of Nursing to be among the top 5 nursing colleges in Kenya.

In 2023, with generous support from the Nursing Promise Chapter, including Bridget Wylie, Mary Ann van Dam, friends, students, and families of Notre Dame Belmont, over $25,000 was raised to facilitate the installation of nine nursing textbooks onto iPads and computers generously donated by the chapter’s community. The change to digital textbooks not only enhances accessibility to learning but also saves trees and is cheaper than traditional paper textbooks. Moreover, the integration of technology is of paramount importance in equipping Kenyan nurses for an industry where technology is increasingly prevalent.

The Nursing Promise Initiative aims to train nurses from local villages who will serve in rural communities with nursing shortages. Together, we are creating a pathway from a village girls’ school through our nursing college and into well-paying nursing jobs.

Our strategy involves:

  • Sparking girls’ interest in STEM through an annual STEM Camp
  • Enhancing STEM instruction methods through a 2-year fellowship for the teachers
  • Build a STEM Lab and provide equipment (computers and supplies)
  • Providing full scholarships for Mary Ann van Dam School of Nursing ($1k per year)
  • Engaging girls in mentoring and internship opportunities at Matibabu Hospital.

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